TipfyA website where you can recommend spotify songs and see recommended songs.
Redux + ZustandRedux fundamentals, Application with Redux, creation of hooks, API, Async Thunks, Zustand Setup, migration from Redux to Zustand, and unit tests for Redux and Zustand.
MicroserviceA notification microservice built with Nest, Prisma, and Jest.
Design SystemA Design System built with React and hosted by Storybook.
EDA with PandasExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) concepts with pandas.
IA StatisticsRepository focused on learning statistics to handle AI with pandas.
OpenAI + LangChainOpenAI(Azure) Chat build with lang-chain(node). The AI aims to help with information about training, gym and muscle groups.
Devstore - Next13 An e-commerce built with React, utilizing the Next.13 concept.
TODOA TODO website allowing task creation, deletion, and marking tasks as completed.
DT MoneyFinancial management application built with React.
Shop listShopping list app built with React Native.
Rentx CarsCar rental app built with React Native.
Post API CRUDPost API CRUD built with Node and GraphQL.
E-commerceT-shirt e-commerce built with React and Stripe as the API.
Delivery ServiceCurrent Description: A delivery service built with Node and Prisma, featuring CRUD operations.
TimerA timer built with React, using the Pomodoro technique as its foundation.
Piano CloneBuild a simple piano using React, Typescript, and the UseSound Hook for an interactive musical experience.